Pārdodu oficālos BU un Unc monētu komplektus , iepakoti bankas bukletos un bankas grāmatiņās.
Zemāk var redzēt arī 2 eiro monētas 2004 -2024 gadam.
Austria 2002 - 25 Eiro
Austria 2003 - 15 Eiro
Austria 2004 - 15 Eiro
Austria 2005 - 15 Eiro
Austria 2006 - 15 Eiro
Austria 2010 - 20 Eiro
Austria 2011 - 30 Eiro
Austria 2015 - 35 Eiro
Austria 2020 - 40 Eiro
Austria 2021 - 40 Eiro
Austria 2023 - 40 Eiro
Austria 2024 - 40 Eiro
Finland 1999 - 2001 - 3 gada komplekti 40 eiro
Finland 1999 - 22 eiro
Finland 2000 - 15 eiro
Finland 2001 - 15 eiro
Finland 2002 - 25 eiro
Finland 2003 - 15 eiro (Rahasari )
Finland 2003 - 22 eiro (Hokejs)
Finland 2004- 55 eiro (Rahasari II)
Finland 2005 - 18 eiro (Rahasari I )
Finland 2005- 25 eiro (Rahasari II)
Finland 2006 - 25 eiro (Rahasari I )
Finland 2007 - 25 eiro
Finland 2009 - 22 eiro (Rahasari I)
Finland 2010 - 28 eiro (Rahasari I)
Finland 2010 - 28 eiro (Rahasari)
Finland 2011 - 28 eiro (Rahasari I)
Finland 2012 - 28 eiro (Rahasari I )
Finland 2016 - 35 eiro (Rahasari I )
Finland 2018 - 35 eiro (Rahasari I )
Finland 2020 - 65 eiro (Moomins)
Finland 2021 - 55 eiro (Journalism and Open Communication)
Finland 2021 - 55 eiro (Moomins)
Finland 2021 - 45 eiro (Aland)
Finland 2021 - 45 eiro (Christmas set)
Finland 2021 - 45 eiro (Thanks you)
Finland 2021 - 45 eiro (Just married )
Finland 2022 - 45 eiro (Olimpic games )
Finland 2022 - 43 eiro (Just married )
Finland 2022 - 45 eiro (Ballet)
Finland 2022 - 43 eiro (cosmos )
Finland 2023 - 45 eiro (Animals )
Finland 2023 - 45 eiro (Flowers )
Finland 2023 - 45 eiro (Baby set )
Finland 2023 - 45 eiro (Happiest nation )
Finland 2024 - 45 eiro (Flowers )
Finland 2024 - 45 eiro (Baby set )
Finland 2024 - 45 eiro (Democracy set )
France 2003 - 22 euro
France 2004 - 25 euro
France 2009 - 35 eiro
France 2015 - 25 euro
France 2020 - 35 eiro
France 2021 - 38 eiro
France 2022 - 38 eiro
France 2023 - 45 eiro
France 2024 - 70 eiro
Croatia 2023 - 28 Eiro
Croatia 2024 - 28 Eiro
Monētas orģinālajos bankas iepakojumos.
Komplektos ietilpst visas regulārā kaluma un jubilejas 2 eiro monētas kuras bija iznākušas katrā konkrētajā gadā. Komplektos ietilps visu 5 kaltuvju monētas A;d;f;g;j.
Katrs komplekts sastāv no 40 monētām
Malta 2016 - 35 euro
Malta 2017 - 35 euro
Malta 2018 - 40 euro
Malta 2019 - 40 euro
Malta 2021 - 45 euro
Malta 2022 - 40 euro
Malta 2023 - 40 euro
Malta 2024 - 40 euro
Netherlands 1999 - 15 eiro
Netherlands 2000 - 12 eiro
Netherlands 2001 - 12 eiro
Netherlands 2002 - 12 eiro
Netherlands 2002 - Elizabeth -11 eiro
Netherlands 2003 - 12 eiro
Netherlands 2004 - 18 euro
Netherlands 2005 - 18 euro
Netherlands 2006 - 18 euro
Netherlands 2007 - 18 euro
Netherlands 2008 - 18 euro
Netherlands 2009 - 18 euro
Netherlands 2010 - 18 eiro
Netherlands 2015 BU - 25 eiro
Netherlands 2016 BU - 35 eiro
Netherlands 2017 - 35 eiro
Netherlands 2018 - 30 eiro
Netherlands 2020 BU - 35 eiro
Netherlands 2021 BU - 35 eiro
Netherlands 2022 BU - 30 eiro
Netherlands 2022 UNC- 18 eiro
Netherlands 2023 BU - 35 eiro
Netherlands 2023 UNC- 18 eiro
Netherlands 2024 BU - 35 eiro
Netherlands 2024 UNC- 18 eiro
Portugal 2002 - 20 eiro
Portugal 2005 - 30 eiro
Portugal 2006 UNC - 30 eiro
Portugal 2006 BU - 35 eiro
Portugal 2010 BU - 30 eiro
Portugal 2014 UNC - 30 eiro
Portugal 2020 UNC - 25 eiro
Portugal 2020 BU - 35 eiro
Portugal 2021 UNC - 30 eiro
Portugal 2022 BU - 35 eiro
Portugal 2023 BU - 35 eiro
Portugal 2024 BU - 50 eiro
San Marino 2005 ar sudraba 5 eiro monētu - 45 eiro
San Marino 2006 ar sudraba 5 eiro monētu - 45 eiro
San Marino 2007 ar sudraba 5 eiro monētu - 45 eiro
San Marino 2008 ar sudraba 5 eiro monētu - 45 eiro
San Marino 2009 ar sudraba 5 eiro monētu - 45 eiro
San Marino 2010 ar sudraba 5 eiro monētu - 45 eiro
San Marino 2011 ar sudraba 5 eiro monētu - 60 eiro
San Marino 2012 - 35 eiro
San Marino 2012 ar sudraba 5 eiro monētu -45 eiro
San Marino 2013 - 35 eiro
San Marino 2013 ar sudraba 5 eiro monētu - 60 eiro
San Marino 2014 - 35 eiro
San Marino 2014 ar sudraba 5 eiro monētu - 65 eiro
San Marino 2015 - 35 eiro
San Marino 2016 - 40 eiro
San Marino 2017 - 60 eiro
San Marino 2018 - 45 eiro
San Marino 2020 - 40 eiro
San Marino 2020 ar sudraba 5 eiro monētu - 60 eiro
San Marino 2021 - 40 eiro
San Marino 2021 -ar sudraba 5 eiro monētu - 60 eiro
San Marino 2022 - ar sudraba 5 eiro monētu - 60 eiro
San Marino 2023 - 40 eiro
San Marino 2024 - 40 eiro
San Marino 2024 ar sudraba 5 eiro monētu - 65 eiro
Vatican2002 - 300 eiro (john paul ii)
Vatican 2003 - 140 eiro(john paul ii)
Vatican 2004 - 140 eiro (john paul ii)
Vatican 2005 - 150 eiro(john paul ii)
Vatican 2005 - 350 eiro sede vacante mmv
Vatican 2006 - 80 eiro (pope benedict xvi)
Vatican 2007 - 75 eiro (pope benedict xvi)
Vatican 2008 - 70 eiro (pope benedict xvi)
Vatican 2009 - 72 eiro (pope benedict xvi)
Vatican 2010 - 59 eiro (pope benedict xvi)
Vatican 2011 - 60 eiro (pope benedict xvi)
Vatican 2012 - 60 eiro (pope benedict xvi)
Vatican 2013 - 65 eiro (pope benedict xvi)
Vatican 2014 - 65 eiro (pope francis i. )
Vatican 2015 - 55 eiro (pope francis i. )
Vatican 2016 - 65 eiro (pope francis i. )
Vatican 2017 - 62 eiro (The coat of arms of Pope Francis I. )
Vatican 2018 - 60 eiro (The coat of arms of Pope Francis I. )
Vatican 2019 - 55 eiro (The coat of arms of Pope Francis I. )
Vatican 2020 - 55 eiro (The coat of arms of Pope Francis I. )
Vatican 2021 - 55 eiro (The coat of arms of Pope Francis I. )
Vatican 2022 - 55 eiro (The coat of arms of Pope Francis I. )
Vatican 2023 - 55 eiro (The coat of arms of Pope Francis I. )
Vatican 2024 - 55 eiro (The coat of arms of Pope Francis I. )
Dažādas , jaunas nelietotas 2 eiro monētas no ruļļiem un kartiņās.
CC. 234 2014 year .20 years in the Council of Europe - 35 eiro
CC. 247 2015 year . 25th anniversary of the Signature of the Customs Agreement with the European Union - 30 eiro
CC. 248 2015 year .30th anniversary of the Coming of Age and Political Rights to the Men and Women turning 18 years old - 30 eiro
CC. 269 2016 year .25th anniversary of the Radio and Television of Andorra - 30 eiro
CC. 270 2016 year .150 years of the New Reform 1866 - 30 eiro
CC. 301 2017 year .100 years of the anthem of Andorra - 25 eiro
CC. 302 2017 year . Andorra The Pyrenean country - 25 eiro
CC. 308 2018 year . 25th anniversary of the Andorran Constitution - 25 eiro
CC. 330 2018 year . 70 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 25 eiro
CC. 336 2019 year . Ski World Cup Finals 2019 - 160 eiro
CC. 360 2019 year . 600 years of the Council of the Land - 60 eiro
CC. 391 2020 year . The 27th Ibero-American Summit in Andorra - 30 eiro
CC. 392 2020 year . 50 years of Universal Female Suffrage - 45 eiro
CC. 427 2021 year . Our Lady of Meritxell - 22 eiro
CC. 428 2021 year . Taking care of our seniors - 22 eiro
CC. 476 2022 year . 10 years of the entry into force of the Monetary Agreement between Andorra and the European Union - 23 eiro
CC. 477 2022 year . The legend of Charlemagne - 23 eiro
CC. 511 2023 year . 30 years of the entry of the Principality of Andorra into the United Nations - 21 eiro
CC. 512 2023 year . Summer solstice fire festivals in the Pyrenees - 21 eiro
CC. 8 2005 year . 50th anniversary of the Austrian State Treaty - 12 eiro
CC. 24 2007 year . " 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome " - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 59 2009 year . " 10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU) " - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 105 2012 year . " 10 years of the Euro " - 4 eiro
CC. 209 2015 year . " The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 230 2016 year . 200 years of Oesterreichische Nationalbank - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 294 2018 year . 100 years of the Austrian Republic - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 443 2022 year . " 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 2, 80 eiro
CC. 9 2005 year . Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union - 16 eiro
CC. 18 2006 year . Atomium - 18 eiro
CC. 25 2007 year . " 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome " - 5 eiro
CC. 45 2008 year . 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 6 eiro
CC. 52 2009 year . " 10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU) " - 6 eiro
CC. 73 2009 year . 200th anniversary of the birth of Louis Braille - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 82 2010 year . Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2010 - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 96 2011 year . 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 115 2012 year . " 10 years of the Euro " - 4 eiro
CC. 149 2013 year . 100th anniversary of the creation of the Royal Meteorological Institute - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 171 2014 year . 150 years of the Belgian Red Cross - 18 eiro (coin card)
CC. 199 2015 year . European Year for Development - 15 eiro (coin card)
CC. 216 2015 year . " The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 237 2016 year .Olympic Games - 17 eiro coin card (kapsulā - 12 eiro)
CC. 243 2016 year .International Missing Children’s Day - 15 eiro
CC. 268 2017 year .200th anniversary of the University of Liège - 20 eiro
CC. 282 2017 year .200th anniversary of the Ghent University - 16 eiro
CC. 314 2018 year .The 50th anniversary of May 1968 events in Belgium - 15 eiro
CC. 321 2018 year .The 50th anniversary of the ESRO 2B satellite - 18 eiro
CC. 335 2019 year .The 450th anniversary of the death of Pieter Bruegel the Elder - 15 eiro
CC. 341 2019 year .25th anniversary of the European Monetary Institute (EMI) - 15 eiro
CC. 379 2020 year .Jan van Eyck - 16 eiro
CC. 380 2020 year .International Year of Plant Health 2020 (IYPH 2020) - 16 eiro
CC. 410 2021 year .The 100th anniversary of the constitution of the Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union (BLEU) - 15 eiro
CC. 424 2021 year .The 500th anniversary of the appearance of the ordinance of the second period of coin issuance during the reign of Charles V - 15 eiro
CC. 441 2022 year .The healthcare sector in recognition of the exceptional commitment during the Covid-19 pandemic - 12 eiro
CC. 491 2022 year ." 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 18 eiro
CC. 493 2023 year .The year of art nouveau’ - 11 eiro
CC. 508 2023 year .The 75th anniversary of the national suffrage for women in Belgium - 11 eiro
CC. 515 2024 year .The Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU - 11 eiro
CC. 527 2024 year .Fight against cancer in Belgium - 11 eiro
CC. 503 2023 year .The introduction of the euro as the official currency of Croatia on 1 January 2023 - 10 eiro
CC. 533 2024 year .Varaždin (Stari grad Varaždin – the Old Town of Varaždin) - 10 eiro
CC. 60 2009 year ." 10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU) " - 4 eiro
CC. 120 2012 year ." 10 years of the Euro " - 4 eiro
CC. 217 2015 year ." The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - 4 eiro
CC. 286 2017 year .Paphos 2017 – European Capital of Culture - 4, 80 eiro
CC. 393 2020 year .The 30th anniversary of the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and genetics - 3 eiro
CC. 444 2022 year ." 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 3, 20 eiro
CC. 506 2023 year .The 60th anniversary of the foundation of the Central Bank of Cyprus - 3, 20 eiro
Circulation coins
NC. 28 2023 year . Geographical image of Estonia - 3 eiro
Commemorative coins
CC. 106 " 2012 year . 10 years of the Euro " - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 222 2015 year ." The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 229 2016 year .The 100th anniversary of the birth of the famous Estonian chess grandmaster Paul Keres - 4 eiro
CC. 275 2017 year . Estonia's Independence - 4, 80 eiro
CC. 298 2018 year ." The 100th anniversary of the foundation of the independent Baltic states " - 7 eiro
CC. 305 2018 year .The centennial of the independence of Estonia - 3 eiro
CC. 342 2019 year .Song Festival’s 150-year anniversary - 3 eiro
CC. 361 2019 year .The centenary of the University of Tartu - 3 eiro
CC. 365 2020 year .The bicentenary of the discovery of Antarctica - 3 eiro
CC. 367 2020 year .The centenary of the Tartu Peace Treaty - 3 eiro
CC. 408 2021 year .Finno-Ugric peoples - 3 eiro
CC. 420 2021 year .The Estonian national animal – the wolf - 3 eiro
CC. 433 2022 year .The 150th anniversary of the founding of the Society of Estonian Literati - 3 eiro
CC. 445 2022 year ." 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 3 eiro
CC. 473 2022 year .Ukraine and Freedom - 3 eiro
CC. 488 2023 year .Estonian national bird – the barn swallow - 2, 80 eiro
CC. 528 2023 year .The cornflower – Estonian national flower - 2, 80 eiro
CC. 2 2004 year . Enlargement of the European Union by ten new Member States - 45 eiro
CC. 12 2005 year .60th anniversary of the United Nations and 50th anniversary of Finland's membership of the - 6 eiro
CC. 19 2006 year .100th anniversary of the universal and equal suffrage - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 26 2007 year ." 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome " - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 41 2007 year .90th anniversary of the declaration of independence - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 53 2009 year ." 10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU) " - 6 eiro
CC. 74 2009 year .200th anniversary of Finnish autonomy and Porvoo Diet - 18 eiro
CC. 85 2010 year .Currency Decree of 1860 - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 102 2011 year .200th anniversary of the Bank of Finland - 8, 50 eiro
CC. 114 2012 year ." 10 years of the Euro " - 4, 80 eiro
CC. 130 2012 year .150th anniversary of the birth of the artist Helene Schjerfbeck - 6 eiro
CC. 154 2013 year . 125th anniversary of the Nobel laureate Frans Eemil Sillanpää - 6 eiro
CC. 166 2014 year .The 100th Anniversary of the birth of author and artist Tove Jansson - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 179 2014 year .100th Anniversary of the birth of designer and interior designer Ilmari Tapiovaara- 5, 50 eiro
CC. 198 2015 year ." The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - 4, 80 eiro
CC. 207 2015 year . The 150th anniversary of the birth of artist Akseli Gallen-Kallela - 4, 80 eiro
CC. 239 2016 year .The Finnish writer and lyricist Eino Leino - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 257 2016 year .The 100th anniversary of the birth of philosopher Georg Henrik von Wright - 4 eiro
CC. 271 2017 year .Independent Finland 100 years - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 285 2017 year .The Finnish nature - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 311 2018 year .Finnish national landscape Koli - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 325 2018 year .Finnish sauna culture - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 359 2019 year .The Constitution Act of Finland - 25 eiro
CC. 374 2020 year .Universities and society – University of Turku 100 years - 7 eiro
CC. 389 2020 year .Väinö Linna 100 years - 7 eiro
CC. 402 2021 year . Journalism and Open Communication Supporting the Finnish Democracy - 7 eiro
CC. 412 2021 year .The 100-year autonomy of Åland - 7 eiro
CC. 431 2022 year .100 years of Finland's National Ballet - 7 eiro
CC. 446 2022 year ." 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 7 eiro
CC. 467 2022 year .Climate Research in Finland - 7eiro
CC. 481 2023 year . Finland’s First Nature Conservation Act - 7, 50 eiro
CC. 499 2023 year .Social and health services -7 , 50 eiro
CC. 522 2024 year .Elections and democracy - 6, 50 eiro
CC. --- 2024 year .Gesellius, Lindgren, Saarinen – Finnish architecture - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 27" 2007 year . 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome " - 8 eiro
CC. 47 2008 year .French Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2008 - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 54 2009 year ." 10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU) " - 6 eiro
CC. 81 2010 year .The Call made by General de Gaulle on 18 June 1940 - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 99 2011 year .30th anniversary of the Day of Music - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 113 2012 year . " 10 years of the Euro " - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 129 2012 year . 100th anniversary of the birth of the Abbé Pierre - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 134 2013 year ." 50th anniversary of the signing of the Élysée Treaty " - 4 eiro
CC. 165 2014 year .70th anniversary of the Normandy landings of 6 June 1944 " D-day " - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 182 2014 year .The fight against AIDS by way of World AIDS Day - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 184 2015 year .70 years of peace and security in Europe - 4 eiro
CC. 197 2015 year .225th anniversary of the Fête de la Fédération (Festival of the Federation) - 4 eiro
CC. 214 2015 year ." The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 253 2016 year .François Mitterrand - 4 eiro
CC. 266 2017 year .Centenary of Auguste Rodin - 4, 80 eiro
CC. 281 2017 year .25th anniversary of the pink ribbon, symbol of the fight against breast cancer - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 306 2018 year . Le Bleuet de France " Remembrance cornflower " - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 316 2018 year . Simone Veil - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 343 2019 year . The 60th anniversary of Asterix 40 eiro (set with 3 pcs 110 euro)
CC. 356 2019 year . " 30 years of the fall of the Berlin Wall " 4, 50 eiro
CC. 368 2020 year . Charles de Gaulle - 4, 80 eiro
CC. 382 2020 year . Medical Research - 15 eiro
CC. 401 2021 year . UNICEF - 3 eiro
CC. 416 2021 year . Olympic Games Paris 2024 (Marianne) - 15 eiro (komplekts ar 5 dažādām kartiņām - 70 eiro)
CC. 429 2022 year . The 90th anniversary of President Jacques Chirac’s birth - 3 eiro
CC. 462 2022 year . " 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 3 eiro
CC. 466 2022 year . Olympic Games Paris 2024 (Genius) - 15 eiro (komplekts ar 5 dažādām kartiņām - 70 eiro)
CC. 475 2023 year . Olympic Games Paris 2024 (Sower) - 15 eiro (komplekts ar 5 dažādām kartiņām - 70 eiro)
CC. 498 2023 year . Rugby World Cup France 2023 - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 514 2024 year . Olympic Games Paris 2024 (Hercules) - 12.50 (komplekts 5 gab. 60 eiro)
CC. 529 2024 year . The Eiffel Tower - 3, 60 eiro
CC. 16 2006 year . Schleswig - Holstein " Holstentor " - 7 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 35 euro )
CC. 22 2007 year .Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania " Schwerin Castle " - 6, 50 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 30 euro )
CC. 28 2007 year ." 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome " - 6, 50 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 30 euro )
CC. 43 2008 year .Hamburg " St Michael's church " - 5, 50 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 25 euro )
CC. 61 2009 year ." 10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU) " - 6 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 25 euro )
CC. 67 2009 year . Saarland " Ludwigskirche " - 4, 50 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 25 euro )
CC. 77 2010 year .Bremen " Bremen town hall with the Bremen Roland " - 5, 50 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 25 euro )
CC. 91 2011 year . Northrhine-Westphalia " Köln cathedral " - 4, 80 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 23 euro )
CC. 107 2012 year ." 10 years of the Euro " - 4, 80 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 23 euro )
CC. 116 2012 year .Bavaria " Neuschwanstein Castle " - 4, 80 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 23 euro )
CC. 136 2013 year .Baden-Württemberg " Maulbronn Monastery " - 4, 80 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 23 euro )
CC. 137 2013 year ." 50th anniversary of the signing of the Élysée Treaty " - 4, 80 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 23 euro )
CC. 160 2014 year .Lower Saxony " St. Mary's Cathedral and St. Michael's Church at Hildesheim " - 4 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 20 euro )
CC. 185 2015 year .Hesse " St. Paul's Church in Frankfurt am Main " - 4, 80 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 23 euro )
CC. 186 2015 year .25 years of German Unity - 4, 80 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 23 euro )
CC. 211 2015 year . " The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - 4, 80 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 25 euro )
CC. 233 2016 year .Saxony " Zwinger Palace in Dresden - 3, 80 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 20 euro )
CC. 264 2017 year .Rhineland-Palatinate " Porta Nigra in Trier " - 4 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 20 euro )
CC. 296 2018 year . Berlin " Charlottenburg Castle " - 4 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 22 euro )
CC. 297 2018 year .The 100th birthday anniversary of the great German statesman and Chancellor Helmut Schmidt - 4 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 22 euro )
CC. 333 2019 year .The 70th anniversary of the Bundesrat’s founding " The House of Lords of Prussia " - 4 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 22 euro )
CC. 357 2019 year ." 30 years of the fall of the Berlin Wall " - 4 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 22 euro )
CC. 366 2020 year .Brandenburg " Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam " - 4 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 22 euro )
CC. 384 2020 year .The 50th anniversary of Willy Brandt’s Kniefall von Warschau - 4 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 22 euro )
CC. 398 2021 year .Saxony Anhalt " Cathedral of Magdeburg " - 3, 50 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 20 euro )
CC. 430 2022 year .Thuringia " The Wartburg in Eisenach " - 4 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 22 euro )
CC. 447 2022 year ." 35 years of the Erasmus programme "- 4 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 20 euro )
CC. 478 2023 year .Hamburg " Elbphilharmonie " - 3 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 15 euro )
CC. 484 2023 year .The 1275th anniversary of the birth of Charlemagne (748–814), King of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor - 3 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 15 euro )
CC. 518 2024 year .Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania " Königsstuhl " - 3 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 15 euro )
CC. 523 2024 year .175th anniversary of the Constitution of St. Paul's Church - 3 eiro (Set with 5 pcs a d f g j 15 euro )
CC. 1 2004 year .Olympic Games in Athens 2004 - 6 eiro
CC. 29 2007 year ." 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome " - 7 eiro
CC. 55 2009 year ." 10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU) " - 6 eiro
CC. 87 2010 year .2.500th anniversary of the Battle of Marathon - 5 eiro
CC. 97 2011 year .XIII Special Olympics World Games Athens 2011 - 4 eiro
CC. 108 2012 year ." 10 years of the Euro " - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 150 2013 year .100th anniversary of the union of Crete with Greece - 14 eiro
CC. 151 2013 year .2400th Anniversary of the founding of Plato’s Academy - 8 eiro
CC. 172 2014 year .400 years since the death of Domenikos Theotokopoulos (El Greek)(1614-2014)- 4, 50 eiro
CC. 173 2014 year .150th anniversary of the union of the Ionian Islands with Greece (1864-2014) - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 227 2015 year .75 years in memoriam of Spyros Louis - 4 eiro
CC. 228 2015 year ." The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - 4 eiro
CC. 260 2016 year .150 years from the Arkadi Monastery Torching - 8 eiro
CC. 261 2016 year .120 years from the birth of Dimitri Mitropoulos - 8 eiro
CC. 277 2017 year .60 years in memoriam of Nikos Kazantzakis - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 284 2017 year .Archaeological site of Philippi - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 326 2018 year .Kostis Palamas – 75 years in memoriam - 4, 80 eiro
CC. 327 2018 year .70 years since the union of the Dodecanese with Greece - 4, 80 eiro
CC. 347 2019 year .Centenary of the birth of Manolis Andronicos - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 348 2019 year .Andreas Kalvos 150 years in memoriam - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 372 2020 year .2.500 years since the Battle of Thermopylae - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 381 2020 year .100 years since the union of Thrace with Greece - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 405 2021 year . 200 years since the Greek Revolution - 4, 80 eiro
CC. 448 2022 year .200 years from the first Greek Constitution - 3 eiro
CC. 449 2022 year . " 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 504 2023 year .100 years from the birth of Maria Callas - 3, 20 eiro
CC. 505 2023 year .150 years from the birth of Constantin Carathéodory - 3, 20 eiro
CC. 530 2024 year .150 years from the birth of Penelope Delta - 3, 20 eiro
CC. 531 2024 year .50 years from the restoration of democracy in Greece - 3, 20 eiro
CC. 30 2007 year ." 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome " - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 56 2009 year ." 10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU) " - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 111 2012 year ." 10 years of the Euro " - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 206 2015 year ." The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - 4, 80 eiro
CC. 231 2016 year .100 years since the 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 332 2019 year .100 years since the establishment of the Dáil Éireann (Irish Parliament) - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 450 2022 year ." 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 3, 80 eiro
CC. 495 2023 year .The 50th anniversary of Ireland’s membership of the European Union - 3, 80 eiro
CC. 4 2004 year .50 years of the World Food Programme - 6 eiro
CC. 13 2005 year .1st anniversary of the signing of the European Constitution - 6eiro
CC. 17 2006 year .XX Olympic Winter Games - Turin - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 31 2007 year ." 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome " - 7 eiro
CC. 51 2008 year .60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights - 15 eiro
CC. 69 2009 year ." 10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU) " - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 76 2009 year .200th anniversary of the birth of Louis Braille - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 88 2010 year .200th anniversary of the birth of Camillo Benso, count of Cavour - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 95 2011 year .150th anniversary of the unification of Italy - 4 eiro
CC. 123 2012 year . " 10 years of the Euro " - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 131 2012 year . 100th anniversary of the death of Giovanni Pascoli - 4, 80 eiro
CC. 141 2013 year . 200th anniversary of the birth of Giuseppe Verdi - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 156 2013 year . 700th anniversary of the birth of Giovanni Boccaccio - 4 eiro
CC. 168 2014 year . The 200th Anniversary of the foundation of Arma dei Carabinieri - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 181 2014 year . 450th anniversary of the birth of Galileo Galilei - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 195 2015 year . EXPO Milano 2015 - 4 eiro
CC. 196 2015 year . The 750th anniversary of the birth of Dante Alighieri (1265-2015) - 4 eiro
CC. 225 2015 year ." The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - 6 eiro
CC. 251 2016 year .550th Anniversary of the death of Donatello - 8 eiro
CC. 252 2016 year .2200. anniversary of the death of Tito Maccio Plautus - 8 eiro
CC. 273 2017 year .400th Anniversary of the completion of the Basilica of San Marco in Venice -4eiro
CC. 291 2017 year .Bimillenary of the death of Titus Livius - 8 eiro
CC. 320 2018 year .The 70th Anniversary of the Coming into Force of the Italian Constitution - 4 eiro
CC. 329 2018 year .The 60th Anniversary of the establishment of the Italian Ministry of Health - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 350 2019 year .The 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci - 4 eiro
CC. 364 2020 year .The 80th Anniversary of Foundation of Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco’ (National Fire Department) - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 390 2020 year .150th anniversary of the birth of Maria Montessori - 3, 80 eiro
CC. 413 2021 year .150th Anniversary of the institution of Rome Capital of Italy - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 425 2021 year .Healthcare professionals - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 437 2022 year .170th Anniversary of the foundation of the Italian National Police - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 442 2022 year .The 30th Anniversary of the death of Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino- 3, 50 eiro
CC. 451 2022 year ." 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 3 eiro
CC. 482 2023 year .The 100th anniversary of the Air Force - 3 eiro
CC. 489 2023 year .The 150th anniversary of the death of Alessandro Manzoni - 3 eiro
CC. 519 2024 year .The 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Guardia di Finanza Corps - 3, 60 eiro
CC. 524 2024 year .Rita Levi-Montalcini - 3, 60 eiro
Circulation coin
NC. 29 2014 year .Latvian folk-maid Milda - 3 eiro
Commemorative coins
CC. 170 2014 year .Riga European Capital of Culture - 4 eiro
CC. 188 2015 year .Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 210 2015 year ." The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 219 2015 year . Endangered nature – the Black Stork - 4 eiro
CC. 249 2016 year .Latvian agricultural industry - 4 eiro
CC. 258 2016 year .Vidzeme - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 289 2017 year .Kurzeme - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 290 2017 year .Latgale 3, 50 eiro
CC. 299 2018 year ." The 100th anniversary of the foundation of the independent Baltic states "- 7eiro
CC. 323 2018 year .Zemgale - 4 eiro
CC. 354 2019 year .The Rising Sun - 6 eiro
CC. 417 2020 year .Latgalian ceramics - 4 eiro
CC. 418 2021 year .The 100th anniversary of Latvia’s international recognition de iure - 4 eiro
CC. 438 2022 year .The centenary of Latvijas Banka – financial literacy - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 452 2022 year ." 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 4 eiro
CC. 490 2023 year .Ukrainian sunflower - 4 eiro
Circulation coin
NC. 32 Different years 2014 -2024 National emblem of Lithuania - 3 eiro
Commemorative coins
CC. 215 2015 year ." The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - 4 eiro
CC. 224 2015 year .Lithuanian language - 4 eiro
CC. 240 2016 year .The Baltic culture - 4 eiro
CC. 279 2017 year .Vilnius - 4 eiro
CC. 300 2018 year ." The 100th anniversary of the foundation of the independent Baltic states " - 4 eiro
CC. 317 2018 year .Lithuanian Song and Dance celebration - 4 eiro
CC. 346 2019 year .Sutartinės (Lithuanian multipart songs) - 4 eiro
CC. 352 2019 year .Žemaitija - 4 eiro
CC. 377 2020 year .Aukštaitija - 4 eiro
CC. 387 2020 year .Kryžių Kalnas (the Hill of Crosses) - 4 eiro
CC. 407 2021 year .Žuvintas Biosphere Reserve - 4 eiro
CC. 415 2021 year .Dzūkija - 3 eiro
CC. 439 2022 year .100 years of basketball in Lithuania - 4 eiro
CC. 453 2022 year ." 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 3 eiro
CC. 474 2022 year .Suvalkija - 3 eiro
CC. 480 2023 year .Together with Ukraine - 3 eiro
CC. 3 2004 year Monogram of Grand-Duke Henri - 6 eiro
CC. 7 2005 year 50th anniversary of the G-D Henri, 5th anniversary of his accession to the throne and 100 years of the death of the G-D Adolphe - 8 eiro
CC. 15 2006 year 25th birthday of the heir to the throne, The Grand-Duke Guillaume - 7, 50 eiro
CC. 32 2007 year " 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome " - 5 eiro
CC. 57 2009 year " 10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU) " 6, 50 eiro
CC. 66 2009 year The Grand-Duke Henri and the Grand-Duchess Charlotte - 5 eiro
CC. 78 2010 year Coat of Arms of the Grand Duke - 8 eiro
CC. 92 2011 year The 50th anniversary of the appointment by the Grand-Duchess Charlotte of her son Jean as lieutenant-représenta nt’ - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 117 2012 year The Grand-Duke Henri and the Grand-Duke Guillaume IV - 4, 80 euro
CC. 118 2012 year " 10 years of the Euro " - 4, 50 euro
CC. 135 2013 year The wedding of the Heir Grand-Duke Guillaume with the Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy -4 , 80 eiro
CC. 155 2013 year The National Anthem of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg - 4 eiro
CC. 159 2014 year 175th anniversary of the independence of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 178 2014 year The 50th anniversary of the accession to the throne of Grand-Duke Jean - 4 eiro
CC. 193 2015 year The 15th anniversary of the accession to the throne of H. R. H. the Grand Duke - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 205 2015 year 125th anniversary of the House of Nassau-Weilburg - 4 eiro
CC. 223 2015 year " The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - 4 eiro
CC. 242 2016 year The 50th anniversary of the bridge Grand Duchess Charlotte’ - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 274 2017 year The 50th anniversary of the voluntariness of the Luxembourg army - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 293 2017 year The 200th anniversary of the Grand Duke Guillaume III - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 313 2018 year 150th Anniversary of the Constitution of Luxembourg - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 331 2018 year The 175th anniversary of the death of the Grand Duke Guillaume Ist - 4, 80 eiro
CC. 345 2019 year The 100th anniversary of the accession to the throne of Grand Duchess Charlotte- 4 eiro
CC. 363 2019 year The 100th anniversary of the universal suffrage - 4 eiro
CC. 378 2020 year The 200th anniversary of the birth of Prince Henri - 4 eiro
CC. 396A 2020 year The birth of Prince Charles - (Relief variant) 9 eiro
CC. 396B 2020 year The birth of Prince Charles ( Foto Variant )- 10 eiro
CC. 403A 2021 year The 100th anniversary of the Grand Duke Jean - (Relief variant) 9 eiro
CC. 403B 2021 year The 100th anniversary of the Grand Duke Jean ( Foto Variant )- 9 eiro
CC. 404A 2021 year The 40th anniversary of the marriage of Grand Duke Henri - (Relief variant) 9 eiro
CC. 404B 2021 year The 40th anniversary of the marriage of Grand Duke Henri ( Foto Variant )- 9 eiro
CC. 454 2022 year The 50th Anniversary of the legal protection of the Luxembourg flag - 9 eiro
CC. 455 2022 year The 10th anniversary of the marriage of the Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and the Hereditary Grand Duchesse Stéphanie - 9 eiro
CC. 456 2022 year " 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 9 eiro
CC. 485 2023 year The 175th anniversary of the Luxembourg Parliament - 9 eiro
CC. 486 2023 year The 25th anniversary of the membership of Grand Duke Henri to the International Olympic Committee - 9 eiro
CC. 516 2024 year The 175th anniversary of the death of Grand Duke Guillaume II - 9 eiro
CC. 517 2024 year The 100th anniversary of the signature by the Grand Duchess Charlotte of the Grand Ducal decree concerning the issuance of the divisional currency in - 9 eiro
CC. 62 2009 year ." 10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU) " - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 124 2012 year ." 10 years of the Euro " - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 132 2012 year .Majority Representation 1887 - 8 eiro
CC. 153 2013 year .The Self-Government Constitution of 1921 - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 169 2014 year .200 years of Malta Police Force - 16 eiro
CC. 176 2014 year .Malta Independence 1964 - 6 eiro
CC. 192 2015 year .First flight from Malta - 12 eiro
CC. 202 2015 year .Republic of Malta 1974 -6 eiro
CC. 226 2015 year ." The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - 6, 50eiro
CC. 254 2016 year .Ggantija Temples - 6 eiro
CC. 259 2016 year .Solidarity through Love - 10 eiro
CC. 276 2017 year .Maltese prehistoric temples of Hagar Qim - 6 eiro
CC. 287 2017 year .Solidarity and peace - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 318 2018 year .Temples of Mnajdra - 5 eiro
CC. 328 2018 year .Cultural Heritage - 6, 80 eiro
CC. 349 2019 year .Prehistoric temples of Ta Hagrat - 5 eiro
CC. 358 2019 year .Nature and Environment - 10 eiro
CC. 373 2020 year .Pre-historic temples of Skorba - 25 eiro
CC. 394 2020 year .Childrens games - 9 eiro
CC. 411, 2021 Pandemic - 90 eiro
CC. 422 2021 year .Maltese prehistoric temples of Tarxien - 12 eiro
CC. 470 2022 year .Hal Saflieni Hypogeum - 10 eiro
CC. 471 2022 year .The 22nd anniversary of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security - 75 eiro
CC. 472 2022 year . 35 years of the Erasmus programme - 65 eiro
CC. 501 2023 year .The 550th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus - 28 eiro
CC. 502 2023 year .The arrival of the French in Malta in 1798 - 28 eiro
CC. 536 2024 year .The Maltese Honey Bee - 25 eiro
CC. 537 2024 year .(The Citadel) - 25 eiro
CC. 100 2011 year .The wedding of Prince Albert and Charlene - 70 eiro (In box 120 eiro)
CC. 128 2012 year .500th anniversary of the foundation of Monaco's Sovereignty, by founder Lucien 1er Grimaldi - 65 eiro
CC. 144 2013 year .The 20th anniversary of the ONU joining - 6, 50 euro
CC. 386 2020 year .The 300th anniversary of the birth of Prince Honoré III - 500 eiro
CC. 419 2021 year .10th anniversary of the marriage of Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene - 600 eiro
CC. 465 2022 year .100th anniversary of the death of Prince Albert I - 500 eiro
CC. 492 2023 year .100th anniversary of the birth of Prince Rainier III - 500 eiro
CC. 532 2024 year .500 years since the signature of the Treaty with Charles V - 400 eiro
CC. 36 2007 year ." 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome " - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 58 2009 year . " 10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU) " - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 90 2011 year . 500th anniversary of Laus Stultitiae’ by Desiderus Erasmus- 15 eiro
CC. 121 2012 year . " 10 years of the Euro " - 4 eiro
CC. 139 2013 year . The announcement of the abdication of the throne by Her Majesty Queen Beatrix - 4 eiro
CC. 157 2013 year . 200 years Kingdom of the Netherlands - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 457 2022 year . " 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 30 eiro
CC. 33 2007 year . " 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome " - 6 eiro
CC. 38 2007 year . Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union - 6eiro
CC. 63 2009 year . " 10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU) " - 6.50 eiro
CC. 83 2010 year . 100th anniversary of the Republic of Portugal - 5 eiro
CC. 101 2011 year . 500th anniversary of the birth of Fernão Mendes Pinto - 12 eiro
CC. 122 2012 year . " 10 years of the Euro " - 5, 80 eiro
CC. 127 2012 year . Guimesarã, the European Capital of Culture 2012 - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 145 2013 year . 250th anniversary of the construction of Torre dos Clérigos’ in Oporto - 5 eiro
CC. 162 2014 year . 40th anniversary of the 25th April Revolution - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 177 2014 year . The International Year of Family Farming [- 4, 50 eiro
CC. 191 2015 year . The 150th Anniversary of the Portuguese Red Cross - 4 eiro
CC. 241 2016 year . Portuguese Team participating in the Olympic Games Rio 2016 - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 250 2016 year . 50 years of the first bridge uniting the two riverbanks of the Tejo River - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 278 2017 year . 150 Years of Public Security - 6, 50
CC. 292 2017 year . 150 years of the birth of writer Raul Brandão- 4 eiro
CC. 310 2018 year . 250 years of the Official Printing Works (Imprensa Nacional’)- 4 eiro
CC. 319 2018 year . 250 years of the Ajuda Botanical Garden (Jardim Botânico da Ajuda’) - 4 eiro
CC. 340 2019 year . 500 years of the first circumnavigation - 3 eiro
CC. 344 2019 year . 600 years of the discovery of the Madeira Archipelago - 3 eiro
CC. 376 2020 year . 730th anniversary of the University of Coimbra - 3 eiro
CC. 383 2020 year . 75th anniversary of the United Nations - 3 eiro
CC. 397 2021 year . Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union- 3 eiro
CC. 406 2021 year . Tokyo Olympics - 3 eiro
CC. 436 2022 year . The 100th anniversary of the crossing the South Atlantic Ocean by air, achieved in 1922 by Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral - 3 eiro
CC. 458 2022 year . " 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 3 eiro
CC. 497 2023 year . World Youth Day - 3 eiro
CC. 510 2023 year . Peace - 3 eiro
CC. 525 2024 year . The 50th anniversary of the 25th of April 1974 - 2.80 eiro
CC. 535 2024 year . Portugal’s participation in the 33rd Olympic Games - 2, 80 eiro
San Marino
2004 year San Marino Bartolomeo Borghesi - 145 eiro
2005 year San Marino World Year of Physics - 125 eiro
2006 year San Marino 500th anniversary of the death of Christopher Columbus - 100 eiro
2007 year San Marino 200th anniversary of the birth of Giuseppe Garibaldi - 50 eiro
2008 year San Marino European Year of Intercultural Dialogue - 70 eiro
2009 year San Marino European Year of Creativity and Innovation - 40 eiro
2010 year San Marino 500th anniversary of the death of Sandro Botticelli - 60 eiro
2011 year San Marino 500th anniversary of the birth of the Italian painter Giorgio Vasari - 35 eiro
2012 year San Marino 10 years of the euro - 33 eiro
2013 year San Marin painter Pinturicchio -40 eiro
2014 year San Marino 500th anniversary of the death of Bramante Lazzari delle Penne di San Marino -40 eiro
2014 year San Marino 90th anniversary of the death of Giacomo Puccini - 35 eiro
2015 year San Marino The 750th anniversary of the birth of Dante Alighieri (1265-2015) - 35 eiro
2015 year San Marino 25th anniversary of the German reunification - 40 eiro
2016 year San Marino 550th anniversary of the death of Donatello - 40 eiro
2016 year San Marino 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare - 35 eiro
2017 year San Marino 750th anniversary of the birth of Giotto - 35 eiro
2017 year San Marino International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development - 35 eiro
2018 year San Marino 500th anniversary of the birth of Tintoretto - 130 eiro
2018 year San Marino 420th anniversary of the birth of Gian Lorenzo Bernini - 55 eiro
2019 year San Marino 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci - 160 eiro
2019 year San Marino 550th anniversary of the death of Filippo Lippi - 160 eiro
2020 year San Marino 500th anniversary of the death of Raphael -100 eiro
2020 year San Marino 250th anniversary of the death of Giambattista Tiepolo - 60 eiro
2021 year San Marino 450th anniversary of the birth of Caravaggio - 70 eiro
2021 year San Marino 550th anniversary of the birth of Albrecht Dürer - 60 euro
2022 year San Marino 530th anniversary of the death of Piero Della Francesca - 55 eiro
2022 year San Marino 200th anniversary of the death of Antonio Canova - 55 eiro
2023 year San Marino 500th anniversary of the death of Perugino - 50 eiro
2023 year San Marino The 500th anniversary of the death of Luca Signorelli - 40 eiro
2024 year San Marino 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Citizens' Rights and Fundamental principles of the San Marino law - 29 eiro
2024 year San Marino 530th anniversary of the death of Ghirlandaio - 29 eiro
CC. 65 2009 year . " 10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU) " - 4 eiro
CC. 75 2009 year . 20th anniversary of 17 November 1989 (Day of the fight for freedom and democracy) - 4 eiro
CC. 89 2011 year . 20th anniversary of the formation of the Visegrad Group - 4eiro
CC. 109 2012 year . " 10 years of the Euro " - 4 eiro
CC. 146 2013 year . 1150th anniversary of the advent of the mission of Constantine and Methodius to Great Moravia -4 eiro
CC. 158 2014 year . The 10th anniversary of the accession of the Slovak Republic to the European Union - 3, 80 eiro
CC. 200 2015 year . " The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 208 2015 year . The 200th anniversary of the birth of Ľudovít Štúr - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 236 2016 year . The first Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union - 3 eiro
CC. 262 2017 year . The 550th anniversary of the University Istropolitana - 3 eiro
CC. 295 2018 year . The 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak Republic - 3, 50 eiro
CC. 338 2019 year . The 100th anniversary of the death of Milan Rastislav Štefánik - 3 eiro
CC. 388 2020 year . 20th anniversary of Slovakia’s accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - 3 eiro
CC. 426 2021 year . The 100th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Dubček - 3 eiro
CC. 459 2022 year . " 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 3 eiro
CC. 469 2022 year . The 300th anniversary of the construction of continental Europe’s first atmospheric steam engine for draining mines - 3 eiro
CC. 479 2023 year . The 100th anniversary of the first blood transfusion in Slovakia - 3 eiro
CC. 507 2023 year . The 200th anniversary of the start of the horse-drawn express mail coach service between Vienna and Bratislava - 3 eiro
CC. 34 2007 year . " 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome " - 30 eiro
CC. 46 2008 year . 500th anniversary of Primož Trubar's birth - 5, 80 eiro
CC. 64 2009 year . " 10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU) " - 4 eiro
CC. 80 2010 year . 200th anniversary of the Botanical Garden in Ljubljana - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 112 2012 year . " 10 years of the Euro " - 5, 50 eiro
CC. 180 2014 year . The 600th anniversary of the crowning of Barbara Celjska - 4, 80 eiro
CC. 212 2015 year . Emona-Ljubljana - 4 eiro2
CC. 221 2015 year . " The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - 5 eiro
CC. 246 2016 year . The 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Slovenia - 3 eiro
CC. 263 2017 year . The 10th anniversary of the euro in Slovenia - 4 eiro
CC. 309 2018 year . Slovenia World Day of Bees - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 362 2019 year . The 100th anniversary of the foundation of the University of Ljubljana- 3 eiro
CC. 395 2020 year . The 500th anniversary of the birth of Adam Bohorič - 3 eiro
CC. 421 2021 year . The 200th anniversary of the establishment of Provincial Museum for Carniola, the first museum in Slovenia - 3 eiro
CC. 432 2022 year . The 150th anniversary of the birth of architect Jože Plečnik - 3 eiro
CC. 460 2022 year . " 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 3 eiro
CC. 513 2023 year . The 150th anniversary of the birth of Josip Plemelj (mathematician and astronomer) - 3 eiro
CC. 10 2005 year . 400 years of Don Quixote of La Mancha - 12 eiro
CC. 35 2007 year . " 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome " - 6 eiro
CC. 68 2009 year . " 10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU) " - 6, 50 eiro
CC. 79 2010 year . The historical centre of Córdoba - 5 eiro
CC. 93 2011 year . Patio de los Leones of the Alhambra, Generalife and Albayzín in Granada - 5 eiro
CC. 110 2012 year . " 10 years of the Euro " - 4, 80 eiro
CC. 119 2012 year . The Burgos Cathedral - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 140 2013 year . San Lorenzo del Escorial Monastery - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 161 2014 year . Park Güell and the Works of Antoni Gaudí - 4, 50 eiro
CC. 183 2014 year . Change of the Head of State - 4 eiro
CC. 187 2015 year . Cave of Altamira - 4.50 eiro
CC. 220 2015 year . " The 30th anniversary of the EU flag " - - 4 eiro
CC. 235 2016 year . Segovia - 4 eiro
CC. 265 2017 year . Churches of the Kingdom of Asturias - 4, 80 eiro
CC. 304 2018 year . The 50th anniversary of King FELIPE VI - 10 eiro
CC. 334 2019 year . The old town of Avila and its churches outside the walls - 4 eiro
CC. 370 2020 year . Aragón and the Aragonese Mudejar architecture - 4 eiro
CC. 400 2021 year . Toledo - 4 eiro
CC. 434 2022 year . Garajonay National Park - 3 eiro
CC. 435 2022 year . The 5th centennary of the first circumnavigation of the Earth - 3 eiro
CC. 461 2022 year . " 35 years of the Erasmus programme " - 3 eiro
CC. 483 2023 year . Cáceres - 3 eiro
CC. 496 2023 year . The Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU - 3 eiro
CC. 520 2024 year . Archivo de Indias, Real Alcazar de Sevilla and Catedral de Sevilla - 3 eiro
CC. 521 2024 year . 200 years since the creation of the National Police - 3 eiro
2004 year 75th anniversary of the founding of the Vatican City State - 150 eiro
2005 year 20th World Youth Day in Cologne - 260 eiro
2006 year 5th centenary of the Swiss Pontifical Guard - 250 eiro
2007 year 80th anniversary of the Pope Benedictus XVI - 170 eiro
2008 year The Year of Saint Paul - 90 eiro
2009 year International Year of Astronomy - 75 eiro
2010 year The Year for Priests - 50 eiro
2011 year The 26th World Youth Day in Madrid - 55 eiro
2012 year The Seventh World Families’ Meeting in Milan - 50 eiro
2013 year Sede Vacante MMXIII - 65 eiro
2013 year 28th World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro - 50 eiro
2014 year 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall - 50 eiro
2015 year The VIII World Meeting of Families - 45 eiro
2016 year 200th anniversary of the Gendarmerie Corps of Vatican City State - 45 eiro
2016 year The Holy Year of Mercy - 45 eiro
2017 year 1950th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Peter and Saint Paul - 40 eiro
2017 year Centenary of the Fatima apparitions - 45 eiro
2018 year European Year of Cultural Heritage The Laocoön group - 35 eiro
2018 year 50th Anniversary of the death of Padre Pio - 35 eiro
2019 year 90th anniversary of the foundation of the Vatican City State - 32 eiro
2019 year Sistine Chapel End of the restoration 1994-2019 - 32 eiro
2020 year 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Pope John Paul II - 45 eiro
2020 year 500th Anniversary of the death of Raphael Sanzio -35
2021 year The 450th anniversary of the birth of Caravaggio - 35 eiro
2021 year The 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri - 35 eiro
2022 year The 125th anniversary of the birth of Pope Paul VI - 35 eiro
2022 year The 25th anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta - 35 eiro
2023 year The 5th Centenary of the death of Pietro Perugino - 28 eiro
2023 year The 150th anniversary of the death of Alessandro Manzoni - 28 eiro
CC. 534 2024 year. Vatican 750th anniversary of the death of Thomas Aquinas - 27 eiro
Pilnas sērijas .
2007 year ."50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome"
Pilns komplekts ar 17 monētām (Vācija visas 5 kaltuves)- 100 eiro
2009 year. "10 years of economic and monetary union (EMU)"
Pilns komplekts ar 20 monētām (Vācija visas 5 kaltuves) - 110 eiro
2012 year. "10 years of the Euro"
Pilna sērija , ieskaitot visas Vācijas kaltuves - kopā 21 monēta - 110 eiro (Kapsulās)
2015 year. "The 30th anniversary of the European flag"
Pilns komplekts ar 23 monētām, ieskaitot Vācijas - visas 5 kaltuves a d f g j -120 eiro